
Mt mograph motion 2
Mt mograph motion 2

mt mograph motion 2
  1. Mt mograph motion 2 install#
  2. Mt mograph motion 2 software#

This means if I want a Fill Effect on a layer, I click the layer, hit shift+tab, type “F” “i” and the Fill Effect fills the UI box. Organize precomps to your heart’s content! FX Console by Video CopilotįX Console allows you to set a shortcut which brings up a handy UI, allowing you to access effects for your selected layer. This makes editing so much easier, and nowhere near the hassle it once was. When you create new precomps or edit the master audio layer, a single click within the Universal Audio UI updates the master audio for all precomps. Universal Audio lets you avoid this hassle by selecting audio layers and labelling them as “master audio”.

mt mograph motion 2

Have you ever precomposed layers, only to realize you’ve created disorder when timing animation to music or SFX? You have to either copy-paste audio layers into precomps or move back and forth to double-check timing. Universal Audio is a simple tool that creates a master audio layer inside of all of your compositions. Now, I select layers and click one of nine locations I’d like those layers’ anchor points to move to. Gone are the days of hitting Y on the keyboard and grabbing anchor points. I recognize this saves me about 10 seconds, but it means I’m creating many nulls all the time now when before I wouldn’t put in the effort. Now, I just select the layers I want and click Create Null. Previously, when I’d want to parent multiple layers to a single null, I’d have to create the null, position it, then select the layers and pickwhip them. The most helpful tool for me is the Create Null tool. However, two tools within Motion-3 are bread and butter for me.

Mt mograph motion 2 install#

One install includes around 35 unique animation tools. Motion-3 is a newer tool in my animation arsenal. Further, Animation Composer offers a multitude of plugins, including SFX, backgrounds, 3D effects, text effects, and more. You can copy-paste effects, and adjust when they start or end en masse. It’s so simple and easy and saves so much time. In either case, select all the layers you want animated, and drag the effect into the dialogue box as an in or out transition. Other times, you might want a ton of similar graphics on-screen. Sometimes it’s a quick scale-up and overshoot for a bouncy graphic. Animation Composer takes all of that away and lets you choose effects to drag onto layers. Back in the day, when I’d want to slide text from off-screen left to on-screen center align, I’d have to open the graph editor, create keyframes, check for positioning, etc.

mt mograph motion 2 mt mograph motion 2

Remember when you used to shoot on an iPhone or Canon Rebel DSLR? Remember when you upgraded to a 5d Mark iv or a C100 Mark ii and your production quality was boosted through the Roof? Animation Composer does the same thing by leveling the playing field for many animators.Īnimation Composer is an easy-to-use, drag-and-drop tool that allows you to quickly create transitions for layers. Here are the six tools I find myself using every single business day. They’ve developed hundreds of time-saving plugins and After Effects UI tools that have increased my productivity and skills as an animator. Thankfully, there are so many talented thinkers out there who are ten steps ahead of me. The longer I’ve animated, the more I’ve called my animator friends and said, “I keep running into this issue while animating. I’m not a genius, and learning to write scripts and expressions seems out of easy reach for me. However, after watching Andrew Kramer or countless scores of YouTubers, eyes widen as the world opens up into scripts, precomps, pickwhips, fractal patterns, and of course: third-party plugins. When greenhorn animators start fresh with After Effects, options might initially seem limited to simple effects like greenscreen keying or adding ease in/out to naturally animate 2D text. It can also be a deep dive into a varied web of choices, algorithms, and numbers.

Mt mograph motion 2 software#

He has over six years of video production experience and has written many in-depth reviews of video production tools and business software on TrustRadius.Īfter Effects can be fairly simple. Today’s Community Contributor is Chris Hecox, owner of Lucky Whisker, a video production company specializing in post production and animation.

Mt mograph motion 2